Specialty Tulip Bulbs
Secure yourself a share of some of the most beautiful tulip varieties available!
All varieties listed are cut flower quality, meaning strong stems and great length. Please feel free to do a little more digging for specific varietal information if desired.
Photo uploads are limited to only 15 photos so some varieties are not shown. Google will help!
Tulip Planting Information
Tulips can be planted anytime as long as the ground is not frozen. It is preferred that bulbs are planted by late December so they may experience the proper cooling period.
Dig a hole or trench (if planting numerous bulbs) at least 6 inches deep and place your bulbs pointy end up.
Gently pack soil atop the bulbs. You may mulch if desired. You may also lay down chicken wire or netting to prevent critters from nibbling on your bulbs if they are prevalent in your area.
Then, sit back and wait for spring! Foliage will begin to break ground sometime in late February/early March and the show will begin!
Tulips will be available for delivery/pickup within 2 days of purchase.